Community Development Ideas - submit yours, too!

Image removed.SIEDC's Community Development Committee is working to develop a comprehensive list of project ideas for the city of Tiffin, Ohio. Community Development projects are publicly-owned or of significant benefit to the public in one of 12 areas spelled out in the City's current plan, called the Comprehensive Plan Update (1994). You can learn more about, view and download the different strategic plans for development here at Seneca Success. The list below does not claim to be exhaustive, and additional ideas are continually being sought from all stakeholders and the public at large. If you would like to submit an idea not listed below that relates to one of the 12 key community development areas, please email your idea to SIEDC's Katie Lang at or call her at 419.447.3831 (main SIEDC number). Here is a list of the first 200 ideas gathered to date. It's important to note that a listing of a project idea here does not imply endorsement of that idea in any way by either SIEDC or the City of Tiffin. It is simply the attempt to gather all of the ideas first. Later in the fall, the public will also be invited to attend public forums in each area (ward) of the city that will take place later in the fall to learn about the process, community development funds, as well as submit ideas and provide feedback. Here is the list sorted by Community Development Category (e.g., 1- Land Use):
ID Category Project/Idea Description
1 1- Land Use Land Banking Urban renewal land banking
2 1- Land Use Transitional Areas Improving transitional areas
3 1- Land Use Brownfields Downtown brownfield remediation
4 1- Land Use Housing Demo - East Portions of east side near HU
5 1- Land Use Bank Demo Former bank building across from E. Tower
6 1- Land Use BP Station Plan for BP at Circular & Market St.
7 1- Land Use Tiffin Mall Develop plan for mall
8 1- Land Use Planning Develop plan for Tiffin Center property
9 1- Land Use Comprehensive Plan Update 1994 Comp. Plan
10 1- Land Use Code Enforcement Enforce building code
11 1- Land Use East Tower Renovate East Tower
12 1- Land Use Meyer's Rehab Rehab former Meyer's Drugstore
13 1- Land Use Spec Building Develop speculative building
14 1- Land Use Industrial Park Develop industrial park
15 1- Land Use Glasshouse Develop glasshouse property
16 1- Land Use Mobile Home Park Redevelop property near old W. Jr. High
17 1- Land Use Riverfront Develop the riverfront
18 1- Land Use Trails Develop bridges and trails
19 1- Land Use Abandoned Homes Rehab or demo abandoned homes
20 1- Land Use Trees Improve trees on streets (quantity)
21 1- Land Use Botton Property Redevelop vacant property off Wall St.
22 1- Land Use American Standard Redevelop former AS Property
23 1- Land Use Block Development Develop Market & Perry area - near HU
24 1- Land Use Use Easements Utilize ag/historic easement programs
25 1- Land Use Façade Alleys Expand grants to alleys
26 1- Land Use Façade Other Districts Expand grants to other historic districts
27 1- Land Use Nik-Naks Demo Demolish Nik-Naks building in downtown
28 1- Land Use Downtown Infill Quality infill on available sites
29 1- Land Use Vacant Registration Develop vacant property registration
30 1- Land Use Pedestrian Zone Create zone on Riverside Drive
31 2- Housing More Housing Develop more and different types
32 2- Housing Downtown Lofts Create upscale downtown loft apartments
33 2- Housing Townhomes Develop more townhomes (e.g., near HU)
34 2- Housing Mid-Range Housing Develop more new housing < $250K
35 2- Housing Historic Homes Develop a historic homes program
36 2- Housing Landscaping Contests Implement best yard/garden contests
37 2- Housing America In Bloom Implement America in Bloom program
38 2- Housing Downtown Housing Increase number of apts and condos
39 2- Housing Jefferson/Perry Housing Fix up housing on Jefferson & Perry St.
40 2- Housing Housing Demo Demolish housing as needed in city
41 2- Housing Housing Code Enforce housing codes (health, etc.)
42 2- Housing Relocation Incentives Provide incentives to move to Tiffin
43 2- Housing Neighborhood Groups Develop neighborhood areas/groups
44 3- Transportation Public Transportation Improve public transportation options
45 3- Transportation Recreational Transport. Use zip bikes, kayaks, paddle boats
46 3- Transportation Loop Road SR 53 to SR 18 using Tyber Rd. - upgrade
47 3- Transportation Parking Garage Build a downtown parking garage
48 3- Transportation Maule Rd. Reconstruct Reconstruct Maule Rd. from 2nd to Tyber
49 3- Transportation 2nd & Maule Intersection Improve this intersection
50 3- Transportation Fair Lane Extension Extend Fair Lane from Hopewell to 224
51 3- Transportation Transportation Plan Create a transportation plan
52 3- Transportation Shaffer Park Extension Extend Shaffer Park - Market to Miami
53 3- Transportation Sidewalks & Drains Improve street infrastructure (sidewalks,…)
54 3- Transportation Streetscape Market Perry Do streetscape along Market, Perry, Wash.
55 3- Transportation Streetscape Miami Clay Do streetscape along Miami, Clay St.
56 3- Transportation Alley Beautification Beautify the alleys
57 3- Transportation Pedestrian Bridge Improve/create pedestrian bridges
58 3- Transportation Street Improvement Improve street surfacing
59 3- Transportation SCAT Routes Have a SCAT Route to Heidelberg and TU
60 3- Transportation Trolley Purchase and use public trolley
61 3- Transportation Bike Lanes Create bike lanes on targeted streets
62 3- Transportation Downtown Parking Increase and improve downtown parking
63 3- Transportation Two-Way Streets Convert one-way to two-way streets
64 3- Transportation Eastern Loop Create Eastern Loop around city
65 3- Transportation Railroad Crossings Evaluate all railroad crossings
66 3- Transportation Wall St. Crossing Close rail crossing on Wall St. near TU
67 3- Transportation Pedestrian Zones Create pedestrian zones in the city
68 3- Transportation River Road Improve River Road
69 4- Economic Library & Coffee Shop Integrate a library, coffee shop concept
70 4- Economic Downtown Gas Station Redevelop downtown gas station
71 4- Economic Revolving Loan Fund Develop a small business fund, like an RLF
72 4- Economic Workforce Plan Develop a workforce development plan
73 4- Economic Hiring Subsidies Subsidize employers hiring
74 4- Economic Manufacturing Brand Improve perception of manufacturing
75 4- Economic K12 Healthcare Improve connections of K12 & healthcare
76 4- Economic University Advancement Promote advancement of HU and TU
77 4- Economic Sentinel Expansion Expand Sentinel training program
78 4- Economic School to Work Develop school to work program
79 4- Economic Talent Recruitment Develop talent recruitment program
80 4- Economic Elementary Consolidation Consolidate elementary schools
81 5- Education Kalamazoo Promise Develop a "Kalamazoo Promise" type prog.
82 5- Education Edible/Botanical Garden Create an edible/botanical gardent
83 5- Education Scholarship Fund Develop scholarship fund for local grads
84 5- Education Youth Mentoring Develop a Youth Mentoring Program
85 5- Education Tutoring Program Develop a Volunteer Tutoring Program
86 5- Education SMYL Program Expand the SMYL Program
87 5- Education Industrial Connections Increase ind/business connex with schools
88 5- Education JA Expansion Expand Junior Achievement, also to county
89 5- Education IB Program Develop Int'l Baccalaureate program
90 5- Education Medical Prep Education Develop pre-med program in HS
91 5- Education Career Services Help students find job opportunities
92 5- Education K12 Facilities Improve/build new K12 facilities
93 5- Education School Funding Strengthen/solve school funding
94 5- Education Guidance Counseling Improve/strengthen guidance counsling
95 5- Education Education Collaboration Resolve TCS/NCOESC differences
96 5- Education Disabled/Gifted Options Improve options for dev. disabled/gifted
97 5- Education Education City Brand Strengthen brand of education city
98 5- Education Resident Classes Open university classes to residents
99 5- Education Public Edu. Leadership Strengthen public education leadership
100 5- Education Welcome Program Create welcome program for new residents
101 6- Utilities Energy Special Imp. Dist. Create an Energy Special Impr. District
102 6- Utilities Downtown Sound Develop legal downtown sound system
103 6- Utilities Northwest Infrastructure Ensure sewer/water/gas support NW dev.
104 6- Utilities Water Sewer Lines Extend water and sewer lines
105 6- Utilities WiFi Develop downtown/city wifi
106 6- Utilities Sewer Expansion Expand the sewer system
107 6- Utilities Storm Water Develop a storm water system
108 6- Utilities Water Quality Enhance water quality management
109 6- Utilities Adequate Power Ensure electric power is adequate
110 6- Utilities Renewable Energy Develop renewable energy
111 6- Utilities Public Water Evaluate making water public
112 6- Utilities Frost Parkway Power Improve power to Frost Parkway area
113 6- Utilities Bridge Lighting Power Develop bridge lighting power structure
114 6- Utilities Downtown Outlets Increase number of downtown outlets
115 6- Utilities Water St. Fuel Tank Remove orphan tank on Water St.
116 6- Utilities Sewer Separation Continue sewer separation project
117 7- Public Health Road to Hope Increase funding for this drug rehab prog.
118 7- Public Health St. Francis Public Use Encourage public use of St. Francis
119 7- Public Health Qualifying Health Center Develop federally QHC for underserved
120 7- Public Health Mental Health Services Make more innovative, unique
121 7- Public Health Health Department Strengthen the health department
122 7- Public Health Citywide Fitness Program Develop a citywide fitness program
123 7- Public Health Health Fairs Conduct (a) regular health fair(s)
124 7- Public Health Health Options & Access More convenient options and access
125 7- Public Health Telemedicine Develop telemedicine options
126 7- Public Health Coordinated Care More coordinated care with local svc
127 7- Public Health Drug Rehab Do more innovative drug rehab program
128 7- Public Health Teen Challenge Implement the faith-based Teen Challenge
129 7- Public Health Public Health Grants Find more public health grants
130 7- Public Health Primary Care Access Provide more access to primary care
131 7- Public Health Convenience Care Provide cheaper convenience care (clinic)
132 7- Public Health Immunization Focus Focus more on immunizations
133 7- Public Health Pediatric Services Increase quantity/quality of pediatric svc
134 7- Public Health Specialty Physicians Recruit more specialty physicians
135 8- Public Safety Fire Station #3 Build a third fire station
136 8- Public Safety Railroad Sound Solve RR sound problem (e.g., barrier)
137 8- Public Safety Police Staff Hire more police officers
138 8- Public Safety Hospital Police Develop hospital police force
139 8- Public Safety Alley Lighting Improve alley lighting (and cleanup)
140 8- Public Safety Back/Parking Lighting Light backs of buildings and parking lots
141 8- Public Safety SCAT College Pickup Develop SCAT routes for college students
142 8- Public Safety Neighborhood Watch Develop neighborhood watch program
143 8- Public Safety Prejudice Training Develop prejudice training for officers
144 8- Public Safety Safety Forces Facilities Improve/build new safety forces facilities
145 8- Public Safety Police Beats Have police walk new/more "beats"
146 8- Public Safety Kids Fair Conduct a kids' fair event
147 9- Recreation Ice Arena Build an indoor ice arena
148 9- Recreation Playground Equipment Improve outdoor activities & playground eq.
149 9- Recreation Indoor Rec Space Develop indoor rec space (bb court)
150 9- Recreation Outdoor Games Develop public outdoor games, tables, chairs
151 9- Recreation Riverfront Park & Trails Develop a riverfront park, with trails
152 9- Recreation Rental Bikes Develop a rental bike system
153 9- Recreation Neighborhood Parks Improve/develop new neighborhood parks
154 9- Recreation Downtown Greenspace Develop downtown greenspace
155 9- Recreation Baseball Diamonds Develop more baseball diamonds
156 9- Recreation Basketball Courts Develop more basketball courts
157 9- Recreation Splashpad Create a public splashpad feature
158 9- Recreation Softball/Baseball Complex Create tournament complex (4 fields, 400 cars)
159 9- Recreation Trail Plan Develop a bike trail plan in and out of town
160 9- Recreation Trail Connectors Develop connectors between diff. trails
161 9- Recreation Downtown Amphitheatre Build downtown amphitheatre
162 9- Recreation YMCA Relocation Relocate the YMCA to the hospital campus
163 9- Recreation River Utilization Plan Develop a river utilization plan
164 9- Recreation Downtown Events Develop more downtown events
165 9- Recreation Joint Parks Funding Increase amount of parks funding / joint
166 9- Recreation Joint Parks District Create a joint city-county parks district
167 9- Recreation Anytime Fitness Options Develop more 24/7 fitness options
168 9- Recreation Skate Park Develop a better skate park
169 9- Recreation Hockey Team Develop a hockey team
170 9- Recreation Public Art Increase number of public art works
171 10- Culture Art & Culture Festivals Develop more/enhance exist. art/cult. fest's
172 10- Culture Arches Construct arches at downtown entrances
173 10- Culture Bridge Lighting Light the bridges
174 10- Culture Mural Program Develop a mural plan and program
175 10- Culture Banner Program Develop a banner program
176 10- Culture Bronze Statues Commission bronze statues along trail
177 10- Culture Bridge Flags Place flags on bridges
178 10- Culture Neighborhood Branding Develop neighborhood identities/brands
179 10- Culture Culturefest Develop a (international) Culturefest event
180 10- Culture Symphony Develop a local symphony
181 10- Culture Music Festivals Enhance/increase music festivals
182 10- Culture Music Events Enhance/increase music events
183 10- Culture Museum Enhancements Enhance existing museums
184 10- Culture Museum Funding Increase funding for museums
185 10- Culture Artist Center Develop a local artist center
186 10- Culture Arts District Develop an arts district
187 10- Culture Website Develop an arts and culture website
188 10- Culture Downtown Cruising Attract downtown cruising
189 10- Culture Car Shows Attract downtown car shows
190 11- Environment Trash Cans Increase number of public trash cans
191 11- Environment Recycling Cans Install recyclable material cans in public
192 11- Environment Emergency Drills Develop emergency drill system
193 11- Environment Flood Preparedness Develop flood preparedness plan (walls)
194 11- Environment Agicultural Runoff Manage ag runoff into creek/river
195 11- Environment Rock Creek Protect and enhance Rock Creek
196 11- Environment HU Flooding Solve Heidelberg flooding problem
197 11- Environment Shooting Training Develop shooting training courses (ALICE)
198 11- Environment Nuclear Preparedness Develop nuclear preparednes plan
199 11- Environment Water Quality Manage & protect water quality
200 11- Environment Annexation Agreements Review and approve annexation agreements
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