Here at SIEDC, we're continuing to move forward with leading Tiffin's downtown revitalization efforts. One small step is a launch of a "Downtown" tab under the Seneca Success blog/website. We see a lot more further development as we seek to tell the great stories and make it easy to get the information you need about downtown Tiffin. Here is the current page content:
[caption id="attachment_1341" align="alignright" width="300"]
Beehive Cafe Owner Ashlee Decker signs ribbon at Chamber opening event.[/caption]
In 2014, Downtown Tiffin is bristling with business activity. The Beehive Café, a new local “farm-to-table” restaurant opened up at the Laird Arcade, and Phoebe’s at 138 was revamped as a new “from scratch” vegetarian dining option, with monthly cooking classes. Burrito Loko continues construction on their new Mexican restaurant, with plans to open yet this year. Ohio Hydroponics, Smith Systems, Fraser Clemens Martin & Miller, Gem Yoga & Life Enrichment, and Z Pulse fitness studio have also hung their shingles in the downtown, and the local design firm MLAD opened “The Paper Store,” a retail shop with specialty paper products.
The Residences at 145 in the Gold Bond Building renovated their downtown apartments, and Burns Electric celebrated their 50th anniversary. The new downtown Façade Enhancement Program launched and eight projects have been approved or will soon be underway, representing more than $100,000 in building exterior improvements in the town’s core. The City of Tiffin also approved $120,000 for a downtown strategic plan update and new master plan, and Tiffin Tomorrow, the downtown revitalization organization created in 2010, officially became part of SIEDC this year. In June, we hired a new Downtown Development Coordinator, Amy Reinhart, and we became a Main Street Affiliate with Heritage Ohio.
Key links:
- Destination Seneca County - information about things to do; places to eat and stay; events; and visitor info (not just downtown information, but includes all of it.)
- - another great site for info about events, attractions, but includes photos and blogs.
- Seneca Success - listing of downtown-tagged posts (including grants, projects, Architectural Board of Review process, etc.)
- Tiffin Historic Trust - organization working for historic preservation in downtown Tiffin
- Little Box Shops - great group of downtown businesses that promote together
- Tiffin Art Guild - place downtown where local artists gather