Jobs For the Future
- Last week, the Jobs For the Future (JFF) Institute was held.
- Amy Wood, the key NCR facilitator, will be meeting with JFF staff to plan next steps on November 10.
Work-Based Learning
- Vanguard-Sentinel will not be able to hire a new BRAG coordinator by January to accommodate setting up work-based learning for the districts that want to participate. In the education industry, usually prime candidates are hired between March-June. Concerns for quality implementation at scale without personnel were front and center with the decision to wait.
Leadership & Governance
- L & G subcommittee to meet this week to update their plan and a new workstream flow document from JFF.
- Discussions regarding alignment and coordination of the Business Advisory Councils from the North Central Ohio Educational Service Center and Tiffin City Schools continue.
Communication & Buy-In
- We have started the process of branding for the initiative and are working on setting up a meeting.